Brandon Township meets the first Wednesday of every month at the Brandon Township Hall which is located in the same building as the Mighty Corson Art Players at 25993 482nd Ave in Corson. We also have state required meetings on the last Tuesdays of February, March & October. Notice of the Brandon Township Board agenda will be posted on the side door of the building. Meetings will be held unless the board has no items on the agenda to discuss, then a meeting cancellation notice will be posted.
Public Welcomed & Encouraged
We love community involvement! Please fill free to attend any of our meetings as a way to stay informed in your community or just learn more about how local government works. If you would like to speak at one of our meetings we require a 48 hour written or emailed notice. Click here to learn more about that process.

stay informed
It's important to stay informed. Check out future meeting dates, meeting agendas, & minutes so you know what is going on in your community!